PICTURE OF AUTHOR © Copyright 1998. First published on the World Wide Web - November 1998.

All Photography, Graphics, Text and HTML - Mark Chatwin.
Photos scanned by Mark Chatwin, Darren Hanley and Ian Humphreys.

Software used.

File transfers to Host Server - CuteFTP 1.6 for Windows 95/NT,
Web page creation and HTML - Microsoft's Frontpage Express 2.02,
Titles, Icons and Graphics - Paint Shop Pro 5.0
All maps - Corel Draw 4.
This page is hosted by Fortune City. URL:
and is best viewed using Netscape Navigator 3.0 or Microsoft's Internet Explorer 3.0x, and above. HTML used includes Tables, Clickable Icons, and Forms. This page also uses JavaScript for the random picture at the start and for the display of the date and time.


Platform 5 Publishing - British Railways Locomotives and Coaching Stock 1998. By Peter Fox.

The material on this web site is copyright © 1998 and you have the right to view this page and other pages of this web site, to copy images where applicable and to copy this web page and any images to a cache for reference by yourself at a later time. You are not granted any other rights and the Web page owner reserves all other rights.

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